Fat Loot
Find Fat Loot on the official website here.
Alternatively, download the Fat Loot installer directly here.
Fat Loot is currently only playable on a local network. Feel free to contact me for support with the game.
Fat Loot is a fee-to-play multi-player stealth/action game, where up to four players take on the roles of thieves as they compete to finish with the biggest loot among them. Each player in the game controls a thief with champion-specific abilities, with the objective of carrying the most loot possible back to their hideout. However, guards on the lookout for trespassers and other sneaky players make this task easier said than done.
The game was developed using Unreal Engine in early 2014. The 25-strong Fat Loot team consists of various engineers, artists, designers, producers, and sound-artists.
I personally implemented the following key areas in the game:
• Third-person action camera: a third-person camera that can be rotated independently of character movement.
• Various camera modes: primary Third-person camera, over-the-shoulder sprint camera, vantage-point (vase) camera, first-person camera, and a "cheat" aerial-view camera; all implemented with smooth and interruptible transitions when switching.
• Base Character Template: The base template that defines common behaviours, visuals, and animations for the four different champion types.
• Energy Logic: energy levels that are used to perform actions, and start regenerating after various conditions.
• Character Sprinting, including ease-transitioning between speeds, camera changes, and energy usage.
• Object Deceleration/Acceleration.
• Exhaustion, a specific state that characters enter on certain conditions (such as when their energy is below 20%). This state defines its own character-specific visual/behavioral overrides for various default mechanics.
• Carrying loot, specifically, the particular state and its handicaps, and also dynamically and smoothly connecting the loot meshes to the character's carrying socket.
• Character Finite State Machine: designing the various possible character states (with the help of other engineers on my team).
• Belly Bump, an ability of Lady Qian, that lets her jump to a location ahead, knocking away any other characters in the way.
• Roar, an ability of Tiger, that lets him roar, stunning any character in a cone in front of him.
• Invisibility, a power-up that makes the players invisible to other players and guards- including shader-changes and effects on map.
• Disguise, a power-up that the player can use to look like one of the guards for a short time- including shader-changes and effects on map.
• Buddha Palm, a power-up that lets the player shoot out a giant palm in a straight line ahead, knocking other players out of its way.
I also worked with the engineering team in resolving various other bugs and issues throughout the entire project.